Peter Obi tackles Chimaroke Nnamani for accusing him of fuelling ethnic, religious bigotry

Peter Obi tackles Chimaroke Nnamani for accusing him of fuelling ethnic, religious bigotry

Peter Obi, presidential candidate of the Labour Party (LP), has challenged Chimaroke Nnamani to show proof of where he portrayed ethnic and re

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Peter Obi, presidential candidate of the Labour Party (LP), has challenged Chimaroke Nnamani to show proof of where he portrayed ethnic and religious bigotry.

Shortly after his defeat at the senatorial poll, Nnamani, the former governor of Enugu, accused Obi of using “his devious opium served to Christians and to Igbo domiciled in different sections of Nigeria” to set the “political trajectory of the region 24 years back”.

He alleged that Obi used the message of hate, bile and incitement to subjugate people of the south-east.

Responding on Tuesday, Obi said he is the direct opposite of the picture painted by Nnamani painted.

The former governor of Anambra said he always champions issues-based campaigns.

“I find it very shocking that you had to label me as an ethnic and religious bigot and as one who indulges in a campaign of hatred. In this instance, I like to state unequivocally that I am the direct opposite of what you said in your statement and what my campaigns have been,” he said.

“I want to believe that my dear elder brother must have mistaken me for someone else because, in this campaign, I have consistently championed issues-based campaigns, and maintained so, even using illustrations and data to buttress my position, to the extent that I have been accused of using data wrongly and media houses had to create fact-check desks just to monitor and address issues I raised during campaigns.

“I will also like to challenge anybody including, my dear elder brother to show anywhere in my public appearance where I  in any way portrayed ethnic, or religious bigotry or where I called names, even when I came to campaign in Enugu state.”

Following the declaration of Bola Tinubu as president-elect, Obi proceeded to the tribunal to challenge the outcome of the election.

The LP presidential candidate said he won the election and will prove it to Nigerians.