China building a 1,000-bed hospital to treat Corona virus

China building a 1,000-bed hospital to treat Corona virus

The Chinese city of Wuhan is building a 1,000-bed hospital specifically to treat victims of the deadly Corona virus that has killed dozens in China an

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The Chinese city of Wuhan is building a 1,000-bed hospital specifically to treat victims of the deadly Corona virus that has killed dozens in China and infected hundreds worldwide, according to Reuters.

More than 100 construction workers plan to finish the hospital in six days and to expedite construction, authorities are using prefabricated buildings.

The news comes after China placed four entire cities under quarantine, a desperate measure intended to prevent a worldwide pandemic.

“We will have our Lunar New Year eve’s reunion dinner at the site. We have no time. We need to deliver this for inspection in six days,” a contractor said.

The virus is spreading fast and has even made it to the US. The World Health Organization, however, is holding back from declaring it an international emergency.

There is precedent for such an ambitious hospital build. In 2003, China built a SARS isolation facility north of Beijing in just a week, treating a seventh of all SARS patients.